Creating retirement plans that meet employees’ financial needs
Providing employees with the tools to plan for their futures helps address a concern we all share: how to save enough money for a comfortable retirement.
Our process-driven approach is designed to increase investment opportunities and improve overall retirement plan value, while protecting employers from corporate and personal financial liability.
Contact our independent qualified retirement plan consultants for assistance in developing, implementing and managing employee retirement plans that make sense for your organization and your employees.
K&P consultants have expertise in guiding all aspects of the retirement plan process, including:
Financial modeling and analysis; recommendations for plan funding.
Creative qualified retirement plan design—including 401(k) plans, profit sharing plans and other defined contribution plans.
Market assessments, vendor searches and plan benchmarking.
Formalization of policies and procedures to help plans operate efficiently.
Fiduciary analysis, including proprietary compliance and due-diligence processes to protect plan sponsors, committees and trustees from fiduciary liability.
Complete turnkey plan administration and recordkeeping.
Independent investment advice and options.
Annual vendor, plan and investment reviews and benchmarking to ensure that retirement plans continue to effectively meet employer and employee needs.
Employee education and related communications to help participants understand, appreciate and more effectively manage their retirement plan accounts.